
We, at Talisma Corporation Pvt. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “We”/”Us”Talisma wellness app ”), take your privacy very seriously. We only collect and use personal data where we have lawful grounds to do so. These include processing personal data to provide requested services and features, for purposes of Talisma legitimate interests or those of affiliates, to fulfil our legal obligations, or based on consent. All necessary steps are taken to ensure the collection and processing of personal details by RUWABI complies with applicable data protection laws and regulations. All our systems and processes are planned, designed and managed by keeping Security and Privacy in mind. The system we use for processing the information including your PII’s is subject to strong controls including ongoing monitoring, periodic security testing, internal/external audits and verifications.

2.Context of the privacy policy

This policy describes our policies and procedures for collection, transmission, storage, processing, disclosure, and protection of any data, including, but not limited to, personal data provided by you as a user while using the services provided by Talisma through our mobile app Talisma wellness and/or through other means. This Privacy Policy (“Policy” or “Privacy Policy”) has been drafted in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations in the regions where we provide our services, including, but not limited to India’s Information Technology Act, 2000, the Information Technology (Reasonable security practices and procedures and sensitive personal data or data) Rules, 2011, and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of European Union (EU).

3.Terms and Definitions

Personal Information (PI) or Personal Data: is any information/data which relates to an individual who may be identified from that data, or from a combination of a set of data, and other information which is in possession of Talisma “Personal data” refers to all types of personal information.

User(s): shall mean any person/persons, who visits, uses, deals with and/or transacts through Talisma wellness app. Please also read our terms of service which sets out the terms governing the app and related services.

Cookies: are small text files that are placed in the device that you use to access our website/app. This is done to recognize your device during a session or in your future visits to our website, primarily to provide better user experience.

Data processing: refers to any operation on the personal data which involves collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, restriction, erasure or destruction.

4.What is Talisma wellness app ?

Talisma welllness app is a social fitness platform and we really believe that “Everyone can be active”. Pick any simple activity you like such as walking, running or cycling and we will help you with interesting challenges that gives you good reasons to be active. We have also has tied up with brands and other components of the fitness eco-system to ensure that you are rewarded for all the hard work you are putting in.

5.Who can use the service?

You may use the service only if you are a natural/legal person, agree to this Agreement and form a binding contract with us, and only in compliance with all applicable local, state, national, and international laws, rules and regulations. We recognize the importance of protecting privacy where children and minor individuals are involved. We do not intend to or knowingly collect personal information from children or anyone under 18. Please refer to our terms and conditions for details on the same.

6.How Talisma wellness app collects and uses your Personal Information ?

When you register for an account or interact with our Services: We collect Personal Data when you use or interact with our services, including when you register in Talisma wellness app. This personal data may include Name, Weight, Height, physical activity information (Walking, Running, Cycling) Gender (optional), Date of birth(optional), Phone number (optional) and Profile photo.

We use your name, your weight, height information, Date of birth, Gender and Phone number for creating and maintaining your account with us and interacting with our services.

The physical activity information such as walking, running or cycling will be used to provide you the details as per the services in the app, to participate in challenges and will be shared with your friends (based on your choice)/users within your organization in case of corporate challenges.

When you participate in corporate events : We collect your corporate email address while you choose to participate in corporate challenges available in the app. We use your corporate email address to link you with the corporate challenges. We do not use corporate email for promotional or any other communication purposes than communications related to the specific challenge. We also allow the corporate admin to export the data, which might include your corporate email ID, in formats such as MS excel, for identification purposes or to resolve issues.

When we leverage and/or collect location data and other tracking technologies: We collect your location data whenever you do a new activity (Running, Walking and Cycling). Talisma wellness app use location services to calculate the physical activity such as walking, running or cycling that you have performed.

When you contact our support : If you contact Talisma wellness app via our support or by other means, we may need some data from you, which You may choose to provide. This includes your name, contact info such as your email address, as well as data about your mobile device or personal computer such as device type, and OS type. We will Use this data to address and investigate the issues you have forwarded to us, to provide you support and to improve our customer support services.

Direct Marketing : We do marketing communication based on prior consent. When subscribing to the company e-mail newsletters, you are given the opportunity to select which promotions, news, and information you would like to receive at the time of sign up, and you will have the opportunity to unsubscribe from such communications.

7.How do we store your data ?

Talisma wellness app stores all Your data on secure Virtual Private Cloud servers. All communication between the processing and storage Virtual Private Cloud servers are established over secure network channels. We have taken appropriate safeguards to ensure data protection in accordance to the applicable laws and regulations, while contracting with our sub-processors, which includes standard contractual clauses approved by the European Union (EU) data protection authorities.

8.How long we retain your data ?

We retain your Personal Data for as long as you maintain an account or as otherwise necessary to provide you the services. We will also retain your Personal Data as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. Where we no longer need to process your Personal Data for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, we will permanently delete your Personal Data from our systems. Where retention is not required for any other lawful purpose, we will also delete your Personal Data upon your direction to delete your account. If you have further questions about our data retention practices or would like to make a deletion request, you can contact us on

9.How Talsima wellness App protects your data ?

We implement technical and organizational safeguards to protect against unauthorized or unlawful processing of Personal Data and against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to Personal Data.

10.Third party disclaimers

To facilitate and provide you with the Service, it sometimes is necessary for Talisma wellness app to request third party service providers or agents to help us process and/or store your data. We strictly evaluate the Service providers and agents, and we make every effort to ensure that they have established appropriate and secure data administrative, organizational and security control of their systems, and we strictly require that they comply with confidentiality and non-disclosure obligations and applicable laws and regulations including relevant Data Protection Laws. We also require that they access your data only to the extent necessary to perform tasks on our behalf.

Talisma wellness will never provide your personal information to any third party without a legal basis, in compliance to applicable laws and regulations nor sell them to a third party.

How do we use third party analytics tools : When you use the service, Talisma wellness App usage and system generated event data gets logged and sent to third-party operations and analytics tools such as Google Analytics . No Personal Data is shared. Any event data sent to third party tools used for operations and analytics is designed to ensure that it is crypto. These events do not contain any physical activity data/personal data collected/provided by you during your use of the service.

Links to other websites : Please note that this Privacy Policy does not apply to the practices of companies that we do not own or control or to people that we do not employ or manage. Our Services may provide a link or otherwise provide access to Third Party Sites. We provide these links merely for your convenience. We have no control over, do not review, and are not responsible for Third Party Sites, their content, or any goods or services available through the Third Party Sites.

Our Privacy Policy does not apply to Third Party Sites, and any data you provide to Third Party Sites, you provide at your own risk. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of any Third Party Sites with that you interact with.

11.Do we use cookies ?

We do not use any Cookies and beacons within our Talisma wellness App. Several areas of the Talisma wellness website may use ‘cookies’ that are placed on the user’s computer and stored by the browser. They are used by Talisma wellness to provide a more user-friendly, effective and secure service. Cookies also enable Talisma wellness to identify a user’s browser and offer services to such user. Cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information. You can prevent the installation of cookies by entering the corresponding settings in your browser software. However, please note that in this case you may not be able to use the complete range of functions of Talisma wellness to its full extent

12.What are your data protection rights ?

You have certain rights under the Data Protection Laws in relation to Your Personal data. Depending on the jurisdiction in which you are located and in which your personal data is processed, you may have some or all the following rights:

Right to access your data : You have the right to ask us for confirmation on whether we are processing your personal data, and access to the personal data and related information on that processing (e.g., the purposes of the processing, or the categories of personal data involved).

Right to correction : You have the right to have your personal data corrected if it is inaccurate and to have incomplete personal data about you completed, as permitted by law.

Right to erasure : You have the right to ask us to delete your personal data, as permitted by law. This right may be exercised among other things:

  • when your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed;
  • when you withdraw consent on which processing is based and where there is no other legal ground for processing;
  • when you object to processing pursuant and there are no overriding legitimate grounds for the processing ;
  • when your personal data has been unlawfully processed.

Right to restriction of processing : You have the right to request the limiting of our processing under limited circumstances, including:

  • when the accuracy of your personal data is contested.
  • when the processing is unlawful, and you oppose the erasure of your personal data and request the restriction of the use of your Personal Data instead;

Right to data portability : You have the right to receive the personal data that you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and you have the right to transmit that information to another controller, including to have it transmitted directly, where technically feasible and as permitted by law.

Right to object : You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data, as permitted by law. After which, We will no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that override your interests, rights and freedoms or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. Furthermore, you have the right to object at any time to processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes.

Right to withdraw consent : In Talisma wellness, if an individual consents to their personal data being collected, processed, or shared for a particular purpose, they have the right to change their mind and withdraw that consent at any time.

To exercise any of your rights, you will need to send an email request to Please note that we may require to verify You before responding to any requests to exercise your rights.

13.Refund policy

We are not collecting any payment from the employees to use this app.


Employees can buy products in the platform as per the reward points they earn from the App. No Payment is involved in this app.

15.Changes to the privacy policy

We may modify our privacy policy from time to time for various reasons including to improve Our privacy practices, to ensure our users right to be Informed, to reflect changes to our service, and to comply with relevant laws. If and when this policy is changed, we will post the new notice on our website and Talisma wellness App and notify you through an in-app notification automatically or as otherwise required by relevant laws and regulations. We strongly recommend that you to check our website and Talisma wellness App periodically for updates or changes to our Privacy policy and Terms & conditions. We encourage You to review changes carefully.

Note: we don't collect any personal information of users like blood group or BP or any confidential information

h4>15.How to contact us

For any queries, concerns or requests related to our Privacy policy , please contact us at:

Talisma Corporation Pvt. Ltd.

Ground Floor, “Phoenix” – Magnificia,

Vijanapura, Mahadevapura Ward,

Old Madras Road, Dooravaninagar,

Bangalore – 560 016, Karnataka, India.

Phone : +91 (80) 69261222

Fax : +91 (80) 43398410

Web :

Get In Touch